
Making Time for Fitness

Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to make time for fitness? What if it was just a normal part of your day — and you didn’t have to think about it as something to fit in to your already too-busy schedule? I know lots of people who’ve successfully made this leap in perspective. […]

OnDemand Digital Unlock

Beachbody On Demand: Digital Unlock

Great news Beachbody On Demand fans! Digital Unlocks are now available via Beachbody On Demand. What does that mean? It means that if you are a club member, you can take advantage of some sweet savings by unlocking digital–only versions of some of the fitness programs directly on BOD. Get Free Club Access Now Typically, the newest […]

peanut butter pie

Peanut Butter Protein Pie

Want a cheat snack that isn’t a cheat? Give this peanut butter protein pie recipe a try! In the past, I have made protein pudding, which is super simple to prepare (basically everything mentioned below, minus the peanut butter and pie crust), tastes amazing and is a great guilt-free late night snack! I thought I […]