
Coach Chris Check-In

Hey Team! How’ everybody doing?  Let me know what’s going on or if there is anything that I might be able to help you with! I know that I send out this weekly check-in to over 500 team members every week, but I rarely hear from YOU.  Am I providing enough information that you find […]


Coach Chris Check-In

Hey Team! The final week of the Alpha phase of Focus T25 is here and it has gone by pretty fast actually… I am excited to move onto the Beta phase and see what kind of new routines Shaun T will be throwing at us over the course of the final 5 weeks of the […]

Arctic Zero - Chocolate

Arctic Zero Review

Arctic Zero Review I am always on the look out for some healthier options when it comes to satisfying my cravings for sweets, chocolate in particular!  I heard some great things about the Arctic Zero “ice cream” recently and was on a mission to give it a try for myself and see if it might […]


Coach Chris Check-In

Hey Team! So long July and hello August!  How is everybody doing? Here is the Midwest, the month of August usually welcomes in the humidity and high heat.  So far, however, this hasn’t been the case and I am certainly not complaining.  It’s still early, so we will see if the trend continues… Week #3 […]


Coach Chris Check In

Hey Team! Week #2 of Focus T25 is done!  As you may recall, I have been stacking this program with the Body Beast program and to be quite honest it has been a lot more demanding on my body than I expected it would be.  I have been hitting the Body Beast routines first and […]

Adjani Won $1000

Adjani Won $1000 With P90X, P90X+, Insanity, and Les Mills Combat

Adjani created his own “quadbrid” combining 4 Beachbody workout programs (P90X, P90X+,Insanity, Les Mills Combat) and he achieved these stunning results in just 90 days. And then he won $1,000 in the Beachbody Challenge. Icing, meet cake. Don’t forget to vote for Adjani starting next week in the Quarterly Beachbody Challenge Contest.   Ready to get started […]

Sante Fe Chicken

Santa Fe Chicken

Santa Fe Chicken Here is another simple a great tasting recipe that my good friend Troy introduced me to.  This one has become a staple at our house, making an appearance at least every other week. The super moist chicken just falls apart! The touch of mexican spice that accompany it fill the entire house […]


Coach Chris Check-In

Hey Team! I know that I have beating the drum about Focus T25 loudly recently.  However, until you guys have given it a try, I don’t think that you will appreciate how much fun these workouts have been and how much you can actually get done in 25 minutes!  I am pretty much soaked with […]


Coach Chris Check-In

Hey Team! This weekend I entered the BULK Phase of Body Beast and I can already tell the difference in how the muscles are worked in this phase.  Chest and legs are SORE!  It is really quite surprising the amount of soreness that I can experience by the subtle differences in the workouts.  The workouts […]


Coach Chris Check-In

Hey Team! I hope that everyone had a safe and happy Independence Day!  Living in a state that allows fireworks to be set off by just about anyone over the age of 18, we didn’t have to leave our back patio for a pretty decent show. I am just about through the first phase of […]

Ultimate Reset - Roasted Root Medley

Roasted Root Medley

Here is another recipe from the Ultimate Reset, which I went through last year.  Almost every recipe that I had during that 3 week period was totally new and I will be honest, I wasn’t sure how I would like the beets in this one.  While they still have a bit of an “earthy” taste, […]


Coach Chris Check-In!

Hey Team! Welcome to the month of July; summer is definitely in full swing! Last week was pretty much a week of playing catch-up, but I believe I am all caught up and ready to take on July with a full head of steam. While I enjoyed our little break in Vegas, it is time […]