
Bonus Ab Routine

While I love the ab routines that are part of the P90X, P90X2 and P90X3 programs, I am always looking for some ways to mix things up a bit in the Ab department.  We all know that if were to stick with lifting the same weights in the gym every time, our bodies would hardly change. This is […]

P90X3 - Available Soon

P90X3 – Sneak Peek – New Details

P90X3 is Coming! The announcement of P90X3 was made a little over a month ago, but we weren’t given any specific details about the program other than the man himself, Tony Horton, would be the trainer.  Who did we  expect…right? This week however, new and exciting details about the program were released along with a […]

P90X2 Asylum Hybrid Results

P90X2 / Asylum – Results and Review

In early February, several of the guys that I interact with daily from a fitness perspective were trying to figure out what we were planning to do next.  We had all been doing our own things; everything from classic P90X to Les Mills Combat.  Many of us had either just finished up a round of […]


Darren A – P90X2 Results and Review

Remember Darren and his awesome P90X results?  Well…since then he has also completed P90X2 and was able to  Darren, a military man by day, had already gone through the P90X program by the time I met up with him, but he had some awesome results and I wanted to share them with you. Thanks Darren, […]


Chris W. Got Ripped With P90X2

Chris was another guy that I met through the awesome X2 Crew Challenge Group and his story is super motivating!  Like many, Chris started with P90X, but didn’t stick with the nutrition and his results weren’t what he was looking for. But when P90X2 came along, he wanted to do it right.  I’d say he nailed it […]

Terry Before P90X and P90X2

Terry – P90X2 Results and Transformation

I became friends with Terry through my first round of P90X2.  He was a co-member of the X2 Crew, a challenge group that allowed all members a place for support and accountability.  Since then, Terry and I have moved on to a 2nd round of P90X, though now a hybrid with the Insanity: The Asylum […]


Join the Beachbody Challenge

Want to get into the best shape of your life? I’m starting a Beachbody® Challenge group and thought you’d be interested in joining! It’s a 90-day challenge and it’s the easiest way to achieve your goals ever. As part of my group, you’ll be one of five likeminded people. We’ll track our progress along the way, hold […]